Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yes We Can!!!

I have never been more proud of my country than I am at this very moment.

Sleep-less night

I am unable to sleep tonight, yet again. I keep thinking about random stuff. Wondering whatever it may be? Here it goes:

-Many of my friends have started to notice that I am becoming a lot more cynical and negative than I used to be. It makes me wonder what made me this way. Could it be a certain person that completely fucked me over 5 months ago? I wasn't in love with him by any means but I don't appreciate being lied to and taken advantage of. Fuck him.
-In a few short hours the voters of this fine country of ours head to the polls to elect a new President. I hope that they choose the right person for the job. A man we all call Barack Obama.
-Why I have this fascination with Sarah Palin. I admire her as a woman, but at the same time I don't understand 2/3 of the shit that she does.
-Wondering if anybody is truely unique and an individual. Everybody copies somebody.
-The sudden realization that I don't actually believe in God. Strange...
-Why I tend to be more mature than most people my age and yet find myself unable to talk to a certain someone. I think about him constantly and yet act like a shy, 12 year-old girl. This reminds me of the Tanner Beam incident of 1998. Here it goes: after the 5th grade my parents decided to move us to a hell-hole named Hays, Kansas. It took a while to make new friends. I decided that I had a wicked crush on this kid named Tanner Beam. I figured that I would tell him that I was in love with him in a note. I decided that picture day would be the perfect time to do it. I wrote a note that said something like I thought that he was cute. When he went to get his picture taken I dropped the note off at his spot. When he got back I watched out of the corner of my eye as he opened it. He laughed. I was crushed. I figure that this is the reason why I find myself lusting after Mr. Jesus look alike and yet find myself unable to tell him how I feel. My friends keep offering to talk to him about it and I don't let them because it feels very much like 7th grade and is just embarassing. I'm 21 years old and should be able to do this by myself. Grrr...

Thanks for reading,

Sunday, November 2, 2008

And how white are you?

After my very boring Halloween, I went to work on Saturday and walked to Books a Million and bought a book that I had been looking at for a very long time. Stuff White People Like: The Definitive Guide To The Unique Taste Of Millions by Christian Lander. It had always looked interesting to me and I saved 10% with my millionaire's card so why not?

After just a few pages I have decided that I am extremely white and not unique in any way, shape or form. Using the examples from the book, here are the reasons why I am so white:

1. Coffee. I say things like "you do NOT want to see me before I get my morning coffee"

24. Wine.

35. The Daily Show/The Colbert Report. At one point in time I considered it a legitimate news source, just like many of you. I don't care, it's funny as shit.

38. Arrested Development. Greatest Show of All Time.

41. Indie Music.

47. Liberal Arts Degrees. I am working towards getting one. What can I say, I just don't like math or science.

53. Dogs

57. Documentaries

58. Japan. I've been there.

60. Toyota Prius. I crave one, apparently so do most other white folk.

67. Standing still at concerts. I just don't like to dance next to sweaty people.

83. Bad memories of high school. I have them, so do you.

84. T-Shirts. I have jillions. Apparently so do lots of us.

97. Red Hair. I have it. It's not even my natural hair color.

120. Platonic friendships. I have many.

122. Acoustic covers. Yes.

127. The Simpsons. I have every season that has been released on dvd.

128. Avoiding confrontation. I do it better than most other white folk.

132. Not having cash. Since the invention of the debit card I have no need for it. Apparently none of us do.

138. Reading. I have at least 30 books that I have yet to read and keep on collecting them.

140. Glasses. I like them so much that I've been wearing them for the past 12 years.

146. Therapy. Sometimes you just need someone to talk to.

There were 150 things listed and I said that I liked 50 of them. When I used the chart at the back of the book to figure out how white I was I found out that I was only 35% white! Yippee! I recomend you head to your local bookstore and pick up a copy for yourself. I would let you borrow mine, but I don't do that. People lose them.


Monday, October 20, 2008

Whoa! Finally a new post

Orphelin Blend Pinot Noir, Cabernet

Chicken Noodle Soup

Aunt Sue.

The History/Poli Sci, Global Studies Gals at the International Relations Council banquet.

Hello friends:

Longtime no see. It is currently after 5am and I am unable to sleep. I think it is due to the following reasons:

1. Worried about my Chinese class. It is hard as fuck.

2. I stole a corkscrew from work. Hope I don't get caught.

3. Decided that I am not going to do anything for Thanksgiving except work like a maniac on the days before and after.

4. Too excited to go see W with my school BFF Katie.

5. Have $5 in my checking account. Shouldn't have bought so many books at A Novel Idea.
Recap of Weekend:

  • Friday: Drove to Lincoln with Mommy. Went to Steve and Barrys for the closing out sale but found self overwhelmed with all of the cheap t-shirts that I didn't buy anything. Celebrated Grandma's 90th birthday with family, Mistys, Wine and Vodka tonic. The hotel had complimentary cookies.
  • Saturday: Woke up, made waffle at hotel breakfast, Starbucks, Went to A Novel Idea and bought approximately $44 in used books, said bye to family, took pictures, super nauseated, ate truck stop chicken noodle soup, worlds longest car ride, tried to call in sick to work, nobody could cover for me, after car ride went immediately to work, got mad because Jesse got to not come into work and I couldn't, sold wine to people, drove back to dorm with Adrianne and her brothers, appreciated parents for not giving me little brothers, fell asleep on top of bed in work clothes.

  • Sunday: Woke up, ate breakfast buffet at Saddle Ranch with mommy, went to Target, watched mommy get into fight with Target cashier, went to work, spent the day incredibly bored, placed wine order, drove back to school, ate Baked Potato and JBC at Wendys, cleaned Mike, Loyd and Trey's bathroom (I drew all over their mirror), realized that Leavenworth, KS is slowly killing me

Things/People I loved last week:

  • Susan Peterson (Come visit me immediately)
  • Cinnamon, the cat at A Novel Idea
  • A Novel Idea
  • Lincoln, Nebraska
  • Grandmother, various other relatives
  • A certain someone
  • Tina Fey
  • Chicken Noodle Soup
  • Panera bread
  • coffee
  • wine
  • Wendy's baked potatoes with butter

Things/People I hated last week:

  • Boys and their yucky bathrooms
  • dairy products
  • John McCain
  • Sarah Palin
  • Nickleback
  • Soft rock radio
  • steak
  • breakfast buffet at Saddle Ranch, minus the cinnamon rolls
  • Leavenworth, KS

Here is what I have to look forward to this week:

  • another week of lusting after someone
  • two back-to-back tests this week in World Religions (Judaism) and Comparative Political Systems (liberal democracies)
  • Seeing W
  • Chinese
  • working a super long weekend
  • using stolen corkscrew

  • drinking wine

  • attempting not to sleep through Contemporary Controversis

Thank you for reading. See you in another 2 months. Enjoy some weekend pictures.


Gossip Girl (addicted to that show)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I think I'm a little too old for this...

So I'm sitting here on the uncomfortable couch in the 3rd floor lounge watching The Secret Life of the American Teenager. The past 24 hours have been the worst 24 hours of my entire college existance. First off, I was very excited to go to sleep at 10:30 last night but was then woken up an hour and a half later by some rediculous pounding noise. It was too loud for it to be somebody having sex. I heard people talking about it in the hall so I poked my head out and apparently you could hear it on the north end of all 5 floors of my building. After about 20 minutes the bangy sound finally stopped. Nobody could tell what it was. It took forever to fall back asleep. I was totally bummed out.

This morning I wake up and go to classes. It was a pretty uneventful day. I freaking hate the dorm food. It's nasty. Today I had spaghetti noodles with the watery sauce and some chicken. It was gross. I ended up eating yogurt with granola and cottage cheese with sunflower seeds. Dinner tonight was pigs in a blanket. Seriously, are we in preschool? Pigs in a fucking blanket? Come on! I took one bite and then stopped. Dinner consisted of yogurt and cottage cheese. When I got back to the dorms I ate some pop tarts. What a healthy day of eating I had.

For some odd reason, I live on the freshmen floor. They are rediculously loud. I'm an old lady. I need my sleep.

I hate having to sit in the middle of the hallway to watch tv. Although, I freaking love this show. I love how it pushes its Christian propaganda and how everyone just has sex with each other. This show is amazing. And now Greek is on next! WooHoo ABCFamily Tuesdays.

Now back to Henry and Alice, the asian sluts, losing their virginity...

Friday, August 29, 2008

Back to school

I have officially been in school for 7 days now. It's going alright. Living in the dorms isn't as bad as I thought it would be. However, our floor was fined $100 because some jack-ass puked in the water fountain. It ended up being about $2.37 per person. Seriously, who the fuck does that? As far as the classes go:

  • International Business. It sounds interesting. Our instructor is pretty hardcore. He calls everyone Mr. [insert last name here] and Miss. [insert last name here]. I think that this will be my hardest class. Hmmm...
  • Contemporary Controversies. I will love this class. Me and Katie are the crazy liberal chicks. This ought to be good.
  • World Religions. I hate this class with a passion. We are supposed to have an open mind and learn about other religions but the lady who teaches this class is a freaking moron. On our 2nd day she made a circle on the board and started putting the different world religions inside the circle saying that they all fell into the "god circle". Ummm...not all religions believe in god. I swear, if she pulls this shit again I will punch her. She is on my beat down list.
  • Comparative Political Systems. Awesome. I love Dr. Reigg. We have a non-trad (non traditional student) who is kind of annoying but I can tolerate it.
  • Human Geography. I get to sit next to all of my friends. We watched "Who Killed the Electric Car" the other day. That was a good movie.

Labor Day weekend. I'm working the whole time. Ugh...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Bill Shanahan fiasco


Seriously, this dude needs anger management. I can't believe that I actually know this man. Kudos to Fort Hays State University for finally firing him!